I focused on front-end dev because of this.
I had an idea the other day.
It's interesting for both life and front-end development.
It might be useful if you listen.
Stay tuned, my friend.
Let’s see.
I was thinking about the reasons why I focused on front-end development.
Back then, I used to work more as a full-stack dev, doing both back-end and front-end tasks.
And the first thing that came to mind was simple:
I was better at it. I got the tasks done faster. In front-end development.
To be honest, I didn’t feel very proud thinking about it...
Because, in the end, it meant I was looking to work less.
Yeah, I know.
Actually, here’s what I think:
Humans, by default, are lazy.
We try to use the least energy possible.
Getting the most done with the least effort.
I don’t think it’s bad.
It’s good.
Very good.
More time for other things.
More time to experience more in life.
I love it.
What I mean is, if you’re not an alien, I guess you’re like me in this regard.
For the rest, I don’t know. I don’t know you. But in this, yes.
Yes, I’ve dealt with humans my whole life, not aliens. They might exist, but who knows where they are. It is what it is.
If you like things that are simple, efficient, take up little space in your project... Going straight to the point. No repetitive code.
Not spending an entire afternoon coding. In less than an hour, the task you needed to do is done.
If all this sounds interesting to you...
If you need a state manager for your React project.
Then Zustand is for you.
A simple state manager.
Easy to understand. Easy to maintain.
Keeps your project lightweight (only 588 bytes minified + gzipped, very little).
Keeps your project under control.
If you want to master it, if you want to learn how to get the most out of it in your projects.
The new Zustand course is currently available for pre-sale.
Right now, it's yours for just €10. In a few weeks, the price will go up. First, it goes up to €20, then to €30.
Symbolic price. High value. Top stuff.
Plus, if you're unsure whether you need a state manager for your project, or if you're debating between Redux, Zustand, Context API, or just useState, there's a section inside that answers all these questions.
It's here:
P.s: Above. Right now, it's available at a special pre-sale price of €10. In a few weeks, it will go up to €20. A week after that, it'll be €30, and it will never go back down. I recommend buying it now if you're interested.