That guy was right.
I still remember the day my boss told me we had to migrate a project to TypeScript.
I still remember it.
Good memory, bad one?
I’m not sure.
I had barely used TS before.
To honest, it seems a little scary and at some point, overwhelming.
I was really comfortable with my React projects in Vanilla JS.
Why switch to TypeScript?
For what?
Leave me alone, man! That’s what I thought.
"Always changing things. The project isn’t that bad right now..."
You change it yourself!
Anyway, yeah, that’s what I thought. Is that normal? Or not?
I wish I had said something like that. Just to be honest.
I didn’t.
And I had to learn TypeScript.
I watched tons of YouTube videos, until I couldn’t take any more. (That’s what I usually do when I want to learn something new...)
I overloaded myself with videos, as always.
And when I was already fed up,
I bought some courses and kept learning.
I tried to pick courses with lots of practice and full projects. I could see how TS was implemented in projects similar to what I’d face at work.
Another habit of minee.
Good, bad? I’m not sure either.
But it works.
All I know is that, in the end, I learned—or at least I think I did—and we migrated the project to TS.
Later on, I don’t think I’ve worked on a React Vanilla JS project again.
It’s the industry standard. Projects have fewer bugs. You get implicit documenattion in the code.
Anyway... we could be here until tomorrow.
If you’re going through the same thing or think it’s coming your way...
This might interest you:
PS: You don’t need to master React to make the most of TS. You just need to practice. That’s it, that’s all.